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The characteristics of the embedded poles

Date:2014-11-06 14:04:17 Hits:4452

I have found in most cases where there's smoke, there is fire. All legends and myths have a few element of truth in them. Even in the Superman series, reference is manufactured of Superman going to his home, a crystal city at the North Pole to consult with his father. The embedded poles as well as some some other areas on planet earth are deemed as portals to other worlds as well as dimensions. Sedona, the Bermuda Triangle as well as the Devil's Triangle off the coast of Japan are among a few of the the most well known.


Many times people who undergo hypnotic regressions encounter a lifetime of living in the hollow earth, they come across life forms such as mastodons which have long since disappeared from the planet. Along the same line of thinking, mastodon remains have been dug up in the embedded poles that still have green vegetation in their stomachs. Where did all of this come from, if not really from a previous civilization lifestyle in those regions of the planet?


Advantages of embedded poles


To me, if all the pictures of a life in the past are embedded poles in the human consciousness generally there must be a element of truth connected with them. It seems the most valuable spiritual lessons are learned by experiencing physical hardships, perhaps that is the Grand Architect's way of preparing us, mind, body and spirit for a new way of thinking and evolving to a higher level of consciousness.


My spiritual journey began many years ago, after experiencing a few life changing events, which created in me the desire to search for life's meaning. I have traversed the globe in search of truth, my truth, throughout which time I've had an opportunity to study with Aborigine elders, native American Indians, many of the world's finest intuitives. All of this has lead me to better understand our world and all things therein contained.